People with Fragile X syndrome have a unique learning style, and often have behavioural challenges. Structuring the learning environment to take into account the strengths and challenges of a person with Fragile X syndrome is an essential support in both an educational and employment setting.
It is important to note that females who have Fragile X syndrome are generally affected differently, and often less severely, than males, and their educational support needs will differ. About one third of females with Fragile X syndrome have a significant intellectual disability. Others will have mild intellectual disability. Others will have a normal IQ, and may have learning difficulties and other issues including social anxiety, shyness, poor eye contact, hyperactivity. Girls may also have difficulty with math and experience excessive shyness without other traits. (1)
Dr Marcia Braden PhD is an educational psychologist and special educator who is acknowledged as the world’s leading authority on education and behaviours in Fragile X. Several videos on the Fragile X Association of Australia youtube channel provide insights into supports for the Fragile X learning style, and understanding behaviours in Fragile X. Dr Braden has also co-authored educational guides which are on the National Fragile X Foundation (US) website), and her own website lists a range of educational resources.
Slides (below) from a presentation give by Dr Braden for Fragile X Association of Australia in Australia in 2017 provide an overview, only.
Source: Dr Marcia Braden PhD, Daily Living Strategies, Fragile X Workshop, Australia 2017.
A range of resources about education, including lesson planning guides, can be found on the website of the National Fragile X Foundation and other websites.
We recommend viewing the resources listed below for more information.
Top Ten Things for Teachers to know about Fragile X Syndrome
Download the PDF Version here.
To learn more:
An introductory guide to educational needs, (booklet) The Fragile X Society
Supporting the Fragile X Learning Style: Strategies for Success
Dr Marcia Braden, Fragile X Workshop, Brisbane, 2017. (42 min)
Daily Living Strategies and Successful Supports for Children and Adults with Fragile X
Dr Marcia Braden, Fragile X Workshop, Brisbane, 2017. (55 min)
Education and Behaviours: Q&A with Dr Marcia Braden
Produced by Fragile X Association of Australia, Sydney 2015. (60 minutes)
Top Ten Things for Teachers to know about Fragile X Syndrome
National Fragile X Foundation website.
Fragile X At a Glance
(1)GEMMS Genetics Education Materials for School Success website, New England Regional Genetics Network (US).
The Uniqueness of Girls with Fragile X Syndrome
Dr Marcia Braden PhD, National Fragile X Foundation website.
National Fragile X Foundation Website
Range of resources about education for children and adults with Fragile X syndrome, ranging from pre-school, transitioning to primary school and high school, and education in the workplace.