
    Become a Member

    Privacy: Personal details are stored securely and only used by Fragile X Association of Australia for administrative purposes.

    About Fragile X Association of Australia

    Fragile X Association of Australia Inc is an association incorporated in New South Wales (1989).

    Incorporation number: Y0934233
    ABN: 18 655 264 477
    ARBN: 626 478 966
    Registered office: Suite 204, 20 Dale Street, Brookvale NSW 2100

    Contact us

    1300 394 636 (cost of local call)  or 02 9907 2366


    We're fundraising for our Family Support service!

    The spectacular Bridge to Beach paddle race raises funds to help us support, connect and advocate for families around Australia! You can make a difference for the Fragile X community by making a donation to our Bridge to Beach campaign today! Donations of $2.00 and over are tax deductible.

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