Endowment Fund

The Fragile X Association Endowment Fund was established in early 2012 to enable funds to be invested in order to provide long term funding for the activities of Fragile X Association of Australia (FXAA). Within the Fund sits the J&M Cunningham Endowment representing the contributions from our largest benefactor.

The overall objective of the Endowment Fund’s investment strategy is to provide a conservative and prudent framework within which the fund may grow its capital and earn a steady income to support FXAA’s core activities of supporting those individuals and families living with Fragile X and raising awareness of Fragile X-associated disorders.

The Endowment Fund is maintained and accounted for separately from FXAA’s other funds and is overseen by an Advisory Committee. This Committee meets regularly and advises FXAA.

Gifts to the Endowment Fund of $2 and over are tax deductible. Where donors designate that their contribution is to the Endowment Fund, donations will be paid directly into the Endowment Fund bank account of FXAA. Donations of other property will be recorded in the accounts of the Endowment Fund. All legacies or bequests from wills received will be paid into the Endowment Fund, unless the terms of the gift otherwise specify.

Donations: Donations to the Fragile X Association Endowment Fund can be made online here. Otherwise please contact us for alternative donation methods: call 1300 394 636 or email support@fragilex.org.au

Bequests: Alternatively, you have the power to help us support those living with Fragile X through a bequest. After family and friends, please consider FXAA as a beneficiary under your will. If you would like to include Fragile X Association of Australia in your will, with a bequest to the Endowment Fund, we are able to provide you with appropriate wording which may assist you. Please contact us for this information on 1300 394 6363 or by email support@fragilex.org.au

Sincere thanks are extended to all past and future contributors to the Fragile X Association Endowment Fund for their support and generosity.


Support Fragile X Association of Australia

Your generous donation will help FXAA ensure people living with Fragile X are connected, included, understood and empowered. Specifically, your donation will help us maintain and deliver support and connections to the Fragile X community around Australia: 1. Counselling support 2. FXAA Helpline - available 5 days per week - 1300 394 636 3. Webinar program 4. Peer connection and referrals 5. Advocacy work – for example, our Fragile X Care | Adults & Ageing research study. This is the first Australian study on the support needs, health & wellbeing of adults with Fragile X syndrome as they age. All support is sincerely appreciated and helps us make a difference for the Fragile X community.

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