Executive Director. B. Soc Sci. Before joining Fragile X Association of Australia, Wendy worked in knowledge management with several professional services firms, and has experience with small member-based community organisations in management and Board roles. Wendy is passionate about supporting and advocating for the Fragile X community, and about raising awareness of Fragile X conditions. Wendy joined FXAA in 2013.
Family Support Officer. BA, Dip. Counselling. Liz has a strong background in providing community support in the disability and health sectors for organisations such as the MS Society of NSW, CanTeen, Lifeline Northern Beaches and Interchange. Liz is very experienced in working with families, carers and children and in providing counselling support via phone, online or face to face (face-to-face in Sydney area). Liz joined FXAA in 2018.
Liz is available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
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Support Fragile X Association of Australia
Your generous donation will help FXAA ensure people living with Fragile X are connected, included, understood and empowered. Specifically, your donation will help us maintain and deliver support and connections to the Fragile X community around Australia:
1. Counselling support
2. FXAA Helpline - available 5 days per week - 1300 394 636
3. Webinar program
4. Peer connection and referrals
5. Advocacy work – for example, our Fragile X Care | Adults & Ageing research study. This is the first Australian study on the support needs, health & wellbeing of adults with Fragile X syndrome as they age. All support is sincerely appreciated and helps us make a difference for the Fragile X community.