Open to 15 August – Survey for Service Providers supporting Adults with Fragile X syndrome | invitation to participate
Fragile X Care | Adults & Ageing is the first Australian study on the support needs, health & wellbeing of adults with Fragile X syndrome as they age. We’re undertaking this study in collaboration with Centre for Disability Studies, a not-for-profit research affiliate of the University of Sydney. The study is supported by a philanthropic grant.
Our shared goal is ambitious – to enhance quality of life for adults with Fragile X syndrome as they age.
Invitation to participate in survey open until AUGUST 15th
People whose work involves providing disability, aged care or health supports to adults with Fragile X syndrome are invited to participate. This includes disability support workers, therapists, aged care staff, health professionals – who might be employed by organisations, or work independently. This Survey will ask questions about:
- SUPPORTS you provide to adults with Fragile X syndrome
- HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES accessed by adults with Fragile X syndrome
- FACTORS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE to the supports, and
- YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF FRAGILE X SYNDROME and interest in learning more
Please read the Participant Information Sheet for more information about the survey, and how the results will be used:
FX Survey_Participant Information Statement_Workforce
Click Here to Participate in Online Survey
Or you can contact us by EMAIL OR by PHONE 1300 394 636
The information you provide will help us:
1. Build a picture of the current and future needs of adults with Fragile X syndrome in Australia
2. Understand any gaps in supports or services
3. Create free online education resources for disability, aged care & health teams about Fragile X syndrome
4. Advocate for policy and practice developments across relevant support and care settings.
We’re so pleased to be undertaking this important study in collaboration with Centre for Disability Studies (CDS), a team with tremendous experience in the area of intellectual disability and ageing.
The Fragile X Care | Adults & Ageing Study has received approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee of University of Sydney.
The work has been made possible by a philanthropic grant from the HENROTH Group, for which Fragile X Association of Australia is deeply thankful.
Parents or other members of a family of an adult (aged 18 or over) who has Fragile X syndrome are invited to participate in a separate survey.
To participate in the survey for family members – click here
We’re so pleased to be undertaking this important study with Centre for Disability Studies (CDS), a team with tremendous experience in the area of intellectual disability and ageing.
The work has been made possible by a philanthropic grant from the HENROTH Group, for which Fragile X Association of Australia is deeply thankful.