RECONNECT Fragile X syndrome clinical trial open throughout 2024
Children aged 3 to 22 years who are experiencing Fragile X syndrome-associated behavioural issues may be eligible to participate in a clinical trial in Australia.
The RECONNECT study is seeking to evaluate the efficacy of a topical gel developed by Zynerba Pharmaceuticals in helping with the Fragile X-associated behaviours.
The study remains open to participants through to the end of 2024.
The study is being conducted at a number of sites in countries including the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia. The Australian study sites are:
Flinders University, Health Data and Clinical Trials
Flinders Medical Centre
Bedford Park SA 5042
Phone +0468 566 663
Study Contact: Rupali Saikia
Queensland Children’s Hospital
62 Graham St
South Brisbane QLD 4101
Phone +61 7 3069 7457
Study Contact: Ellen Taylor
Genetic Clinics Australia
263 Glen Eira Rd
Caulfield North VIC 3161
Phone +61 3 9528 1910
Study Contact: Melanie van Buuren
The Children’s Hospital at Westmead
Cnr Hawkesbury Rd & Hainsworth St
Westmead NSW 2145
Phone +61 2 9845 0336
Study Contact: Joanne Booth
Where participants live elsewhere in Australia, Zynerba Pharmaceuticals may reimburse some cost of travel.
To learn more: