Board nominations open to 31 October 2024

September 30th, 2024

FXAA’s vision is that people living with Fragile X are connected, included, understood & empowered to live their best possible lives.

Serving on the Board as a volunteer director is a rewarding way to support the Fragile X community and to help shape the future direction and impact of our organisation.

At our Annual General Meeting on Sunday 1 December 2024 three vacant Board positions will be open.  Nominations for these positions are open to members of FXAA who are interested in joining our team.

FXAA is a registered charity, established as an incorporated association in 1989.  We’re a national member-based organisation,  with an elected Board of 8 volunteer directors (all of whom are members) and two employed staff.

A key role of the Board is to provide governance and oversight of the organisation and ensure that FXAA works towards fulfilling the FXAA Strategic Plan 2022-2025 and its four  strategic pillars –  Support & Connection, Empowerment, Advocacy and Education.

Board members serve 2-year terms, up to a maximum of 4 terms.   The Board meets regularly  – meetings are online every 2 months.  Details of the role and powers of the Board are listed in the FXAA Constitution.   Current Board members are listed here.   

Board members may also be involved in sub-committees which support FXAA by providing information and making recommendations. Such as, the Executive Committee, the Fragile X Scientific, Clinical and Research Sub-committee  and the Fragile X Endowment Fund Committee  The FXAA Board also has a position on the International Fragile X Premutation Registry panel.


All eligibility criteria to be met:

Return the completed  FXAA Board nomination form 2024_AGM 2024    together with a brief written Expression of Interest by email  to The Secretary, Fragile X Association of Australia:

Nominations Close:  Thursday 31st October, close of business.

If you have any questions about serving on the Board or the eligibility criteria, please contact the Executive Director, Wendy Bruce, in the first instance at or the FXAA President Cynthia Roberts via


Support Fragile X Association of Australia

Your generous donation will help FXAA ensure people living with Fragile X are connected, included, understood and empowered. Specifically, your donation will help us maintain and deliver support and connections to the Fragile X community around Australia: 1. Counselling support 2. FXAA Helpline - available 5 days per week - 1300 394 636 3. Webinar program 4. Peer connection and referrals 5. Advocacy work – for example, our Fragile X Care | Adults & Ageing research study. This is the first Australian study on the support needs, health & wellbeing of adults with Fragile X syndrome as they age. All support is sincerely appreciated and helps us make a difference for the Fragile X community.

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