Early Menopause/Primary Ovarian Insufficiency – When to consider Fragile X
Young women with the FMR1 pre-mutation ie, young women who are carriers of Fragile X, are at risk of premature ovarian failure.
Young women with the FMR1 pre-mutation ie, young women who are carriers of Fragile X, are at risk of premature ovarian failure.
Fragile X Carrier Family / FXTAS Clinic is a dedicated monthly service for carriers of Fragile X, initially for those who have some concerns about or may be at risk of developing FXTAS – Fragile X-associated Tremor Ataxia syndrome.
This booklet is designed to encourage women who are Fragile X premutation carriers to take control of their own health and to pass on this information to their families and if needed, health care professionals.
The challenges faced by people who have Fragile X syndrome in securing employment opportunities are many. In this 3-minute film Zoe, Marty, and Rosie share their experiences in looking for work.
At the HealthEd GP Education Day held in Melbourne in October 2015, Dr Jane Tracy from the Centre for Developmental Disability Health Victoria gave an excellent presentation titled “GPs, Healthcare and Patients with Intellectual Disability and/or Autism”.
Fragile X Podcasts